So, your campaign has run it’s course, and you’d like to remove it from you Facebook fan page. You might think you need to delete the campaign from your Heyo Desktop. Deleting the page from Heyo, however, will also delete your CSV file and all metrics from that campaign.
I’ll walk you through how to remove the content from your Facebook page without losing this data. To do this, we’ll be going into Facebook.
In order to remove a campaign published to Facebook through Heyo, you will need to access the settings on your fan page.
Click on the Apps tab.
Under ‘Added Apps,’ there should be a Heyo app.
You can check which tab is which by clicking on the ‘Edit Settings’ link; the name of the tab (the name of the campaign) will appear in a popup, like the one below. I am removing the TEST BED campaign.
All you have to do to remove the tab is click on the x next to the app.
Once you’ve clicked that x, the app will be removed. The tab will no longer appear on your Facebook fan page.
And that’s it! You campaign will still be available via the Heyo dashboard if you would like to reuse the campaign at a later date. If you were using a Contest Template, any data the campaign collected will still be available via your CSV. To learn how to download the CSV, check out this tutorial video.