On many of our widgets, we offer a wide selection of colors with which you can customize fonts, backgrounds, and buttons. Whether you are going for a specific color scheme, or simply need some color to spice up your campaign, the Heyo Color Picker has you covered.
The Advanced Color Picker (ACP): If you have a hexadecimal code for your specific color scheme, you can select colors using the advanced color picker. The advanced color picker will also allow you to click and drag a marker around the color spectrum to select a color.
This hexadecimal code will display in the link text as shown below. You can also select a color by red-green-blue percentages, as well as by dragging the slider to the approximate color you’d like and dragging the marker in the color-spectrum square to get your exact color.
Color Pickers in Other Contexts.
In the Rich Text Widget, as well as the Customize tab for your campaign, the color picker looks a lot like the Advanced Color Picker. These function in the same way that the ACP functions; you can select your color based on red-green-blue percentages, hexadecimal code, or by dragging the marker to the color you want on the spectrum.
Here’s what the color picking process looks like for the Rich Text widget:
Once you click “Set,” your text will display in the color you’ve picked, both on the campaign and in the text editor, as shown below.
Customize tab: The color picker in the Customize tab allows you to change the background color of your campaign. Below, I have pictured a sample campaign; you can see the color selected in the picker as the background. This color will not display immediately. You must select “Save” in order to see the color you have selected.